GP JOULE in Europe

GP JOULE has also been active in Southern and Western Europe for over ten years. This year it was time for our own branches. For even more clean, regenerative energy where the wind blows and the sun shines. The teams on site report.
Team FRANCE – carefully
In April 2021 teamed up with Seider as a cooperation partner. Since then, we have been working on the development of three projects in the Normandy region. We have put up two wind meteorological masts to coll ect meteorological data. The met masts have a height of 100 metres and are equipped with various sensors that help to determine the wind speed and direction. In addition, we use them to participate in regional bat monitoring. We document the activity of the numerous bat species in the area as part of an environmental study. With the help of recorded bat sounds, we can understand which diff erent species are on the move there and at what times they are most active. Highly exciting! “Of course, this data also flows into the planning of the wind farms, for example to adapt the turbine locations to the needs of the bats and to calculate night shutdowns,” reports Gautier Decaën, Director of GP JOULE France.
Team IRELAND - speeding up
Exciting times in Ireland. Our activities in the country are picking up speed. At the beginning of August, our coll eague Ciaran Donnell y took up his position as Director. A new office was set up in Dublin. Our second employee will start in November and further support is planned. Several large solar sites and a major wind project are in the planning, and negotiations with land and project owners are well underway. “As a weakly connected, very windy island on the edge of Europe, we see huge potential here both for direct supply to industrial customers and for converting the renewable electricity into other forms of energy such as hydrogen and battery storage,” says Ciaran Donnell y, Director GP JOULE Ireland.
Team ITALY - concentrated power
In cooperation with an experienced project developer from northern Italy, more than 100 megawatt peak of PV projects are in the pipeline, including a large plant in the Piedmont region with a capacity of approximately 45 megawatt s, which is currently planed as an agrivoltaic project. Another cooperation includes four PV projects in diff erent regions of Italy as a fi rst step. And at our Lagosanto project, the start of construction is in sight. Planning permission should be granted in spring 2023. At the same time as the classic PV business, we also want to push forward the connection with storage and hydrogen; aft er all , these are core competences of the GP JOULE Group. “It’s good that our team is constantly expanding! Fabio Davì as Country Manager and Alexandra Barbulea as Offi ce Manager are now part of our ‘Famiglia’ and by the beginning of 2023 we want to be fi ve,” says Philip Prause, Director GP JOULE Italia.