Generating green hydrogen fuel with wind power - doesn’t work? Yes it does! This is clearly proved by the largest sustainable hydrogen mobility project to date, eFarm. In the district of North Frisia, Schleswig-Holstein, the joint project initiated by GP JOULE is implementing a hydrogen infrastructure from generation to processing and fleet use in electric vehicles using renewable energies only. The aim is to introduce a sustainable, collective system to society at large based on renewable energy. Producing, transporting, processing and marketing green hydrogen in a joint project is an ambitious undertaking that requires in-depth business and technical know-how and also the power of persuasion.


Green hydrogen from wind power - a milestone in the energy transition


The eFarm project creates a secure supply of 100 % green, regionally produced hydrogen from wind and solar power, paving the way for all citizens and companies who want to purchase a hydrogen vehicle. In order to meet the expected demand for mobility, the project comprises:


  • Five hydrogen production sites (1.125 MW total capacity) located close to existing wind farms
  • Two hydrogen filling stations in Husum and Niebüll
  • Two fuel cell buses for regular bus service
  • Thirty fuel cell cars with potential for fuelling more than 100 vehicles



Ove Petersen

CEO and Co-Founder of GP JOULE

“The project shows what can be done when everyone involved in the project is pulling together as equal partners. Although a farm of this size naturally poses some huge challenges, our EPC team were able to overcome them in a targeted way with the help of the client, the local authorities, our subcontractors and our suppliers. It is this approach, based 100% on the idea of partnership, that characterises us and our most impressive projects.”

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GP JOULE is the integrated energy supplier that is active in all parts of the energy value chain - from generating, converting, distributing and utilising power.

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We do the entire energy transition

100% renewables energies for all. That is the GP JOULE vision. That is what drives us. To achieve this, we create and operate sustainable, reliable energy solutions with tangible benefits - and always keep the entire energy system in mind. With the aim of delivering a secure, independent and sustainable supply of energy.

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