Digital solutions for more sustainability
GP JOULE invests in the CODIN IT agency. There are major areas of use for digital solutions in all parts of the energy generation chain, including in GP JOULE. With this in mind, GP JOULE will be collaborating even more closely with CODIN IT in future.
For the digital agency based in Flensburg, the focus is always on developing smart ideas that endure sustainably, into the future. Simplification of processes and intuitive product application: since 2019, CODIN IT has always been focused not only on its clients’ requests but also those from the customers of its clients. This is because the specialist agency prioritises not only technical considerations but also a comprehensively positive customer experience, in which transparent communication, meaningful interactions and positive user experiences are of paramount importance. This is how they seek to develop trusting and long-lasting partnerships.
For society
“Using digital products to offer added value for society is one of our key motivations. I am delighted about the close collaboration with GP JOULE and the fact that sustainable digitisation means we are becoming an even more important part of the energy transition,” confirmed Torben Jessen, Managing Director of CODIN IT.
One milestone in this respect is the YOULE app, which CODIN IT developed and implemented for and with GP JOULE. The app shows how much renewable energy is on the grid now and in the next 24 hours, which helps to adjust people’s individual energy consumption to suit the availability of green electricity. The YOULE app was recently awarded the “Best of Digitales.SH” digitisation prize. Dirk Schrödter, Digitisation Minister of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, awarded GP JOULE and CODIN IT third prize for outstanding digitisation initiatives at the end of September.
The CODIN IT philosophy on digitisation: bundle expertise and create target- group-appropriate solutions, to make everyone’s day-to-day life easier.